Thursday, November 19, 2009

A weird dream

The alarm screeched angrily. With a groan, Jake lurched onto his side and bashed the clock a few times before silencing the infernal thing. Groggily, he gets up and looks out the window into blackness. Dark in the morning. Dark at night. Jake hates winter. Blinking the sleep from his eyes, the memories of last nights dream fade. It was weird, he remembers. Or at least, he remembers remembering it was weird.

Jake is in the kitchen. The cereal is stale and the milk is a little lumpy, but he doesn't notice. He hasn't noticed in a long time. The paper is on the table. The headlines proclaiming the rhinos declare war on the squids. Jake blinks and looks again. Thats not right. The pumas should do something about that.

The subway platform is crowded. It is always crowded. The great wurms traveling through there tunnels with a roar. As Jake's connection comes he and a score of others step to the edge of the platform. Almost as one, they step off the edge and are consumed by the gaping maw of the wurm as it speeds past, ground between its hundreds of gnashing teeth.

The alarm screeches angrily. With a groan, Jake lurched onto his side and bashed the clock a few times, narrowly missing its razor sharp teeth, before silencing the damn thing. He had a weird dream last night. Something happened.

The shower water is cold again. Its always cold in winter. Jake hates winter. But, today is important and he needs to be presentable, so he braves the frigid waters.

The streets are crowded again. Everyone racing around. The light flurries of snow are ground into a brown mush beneath the dozen feet of the giant insects battling down the narrow streets. Joining the mindless march of the hundreds of other people, Jake files down the sidewalks. The lights ahead are red, the insects shuffling, trying to get closer to the front. As a whole, the crowd of people file into the center of the intersection. When all that can fit are within the white lines, the lights turn green, the insects rush forward and the sound jaws grinding bones echoes through the streets.

The alarm screeched angrily. With a groan, Jake lurched onto his side and bashed the clock a few times before silencing the infernal thing. He remembers a dream. It was a weird dream. He had a friends. A family. Happiness. Jake shakes his head, banishing the weird dream from his mind and gets ready for the daily grind.


Gustavo B. Rockwell said...

I like it

Dust said...

Honestly, it was an exercise in free writing. I had no idea where I was going until the second last paragraph :P

Definitely one of my weirdest creations

Shauna said...

that's always fun :)